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Setting up SVN + SSH + UE4
Nadja Pollard avatar
Written by Nadja Pollard
Updated over 3 months ago

You can set up Subversion (SVN) to work with SSH and Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). Make sure UE4 is installed before beginning.

To set up SVN + SSH + UE4

  1. In UE4, create a new project under the /svn folder, and name it Demo.
    Note: You can skip this step if you already have a project.

    This creates a folder called “Demo” under /svn.

  2. Check out the Assembla SVN repo in your "Demo" folder. For more information about using SVN + SSH protocol, see this article.

  3. Move all of your UE4 project’s folders inside of the “trunk” folder.

  4. Set the REPO_NAME variable by running the following command from terminal:

    $ launchctl setenv REPO_NAME your_Assembla_repo_name
    Note that your_Assembla_repo_name is available in your SVN repository’s checkout URL to the right of REPO_NAME.

  5. Run the following command to make sure the REPO_NAME variable is set correctly:

    $ echo $REPO_NAME

    If for any reason the output is not your Assembla REPO_NAME, quit the terminal and echo the variable again.

  6. Return to your UE project and click Source Control > Connect to Source Control.

  7. Click Accept settings. Note that the source control icon turn green.

  8. Send all of your files to your SVN repo in Assembla from UE4 via SSH by adding all of the files and directories under trunk. Run this from terminal:

    $ svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q

  9. Commit from your SVN client. In this example, we use terminal.

    $ svn commit -m “sending all ue files”

    Note that this step may take a few minutes.

Now that you've made your first commit from the SVN client, you can make all future commits directly from UE4.

Troubleshooting: Error svn: E720002: Can't create tunnel: The system cannot find the file specified.

Use the following steps if you receive the error above:

  1. Set up your public key with PuTTY and then set up this environment variable:

  2. Reboot, and then change your source control settings to match these.
    Note: You must double backslash everything in the path.

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