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How to Add / Invite Users
How to Add / Invite Users
Toshi Dávila avatar
Written by Toshi Dávila
Updated over 2 months ago

Assembla gives you the power to invite team members, administrators, or contractors to collaborate at both the high portfolio level and the more-specific project or space level.

Once you invite users to either your portfolio or a specific space, the user receives an email invitation with a link to set up their Assembla user profile. When they finish setup, they are automatically added to the portfolio/space in your invitation.

Adding users to a portfolio

To add a new user with access to your entire portfolio

  1. Click All Users from the main menu.

    The All Users page appears listing all users of the portfolio.

  2. Click Invite Users. In the invitation window, you can invite a new user by sharing the URL displayed in Invite users using this URL, or by typing the user's Assembla username or email into Invite users by name or email. Designate the users as a Manager, Core, or Watcher. For more information on the access and abilities of these roles, check out our article on the topic.

Adding users to a space

To add a new user with access to a specific space

  1. Go to the space where you want to add the user.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Space Team.

  3. Type the Assembla username or email into the search box on the left of the screen, and then click Search. You also can Invite people from other teams and Invite from my Google contacts.

  4. Complete the additional fields, and then click INVITE. And invitation is sent to the user to join the space.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at

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