To purchase an Assembla subscription, you need to add a valid payment method, such as a credit or debit card.
Users with Account Payer permissions can add or update payment details at account page while logged into Assembla.
Reviewing accepted card types
American Express
Diners Club
Unsupported payment methods
Google Play balance or Google Play gift cards
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
Transit cards
Western Union, MoneyGram
Virtual Credit Cards (VCC)
Troubleshooting payment issues
If your card is declined, it could be due to one of the following reasons:
A typo in the card number. Try entering your card number again.
An expired credit card. If your card hasn’t expired, check to make sure the date was entered correctly.
A typo in the Card Verification Code (CVC).
Mismatched billing address with the one on file with your bank.
Your credit limit was reached. Contact your card provider for more information.
If you tried all these and still couldn’t get your card to work, contact your card provider.
Have questions or need assistance? Email us