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Understand List Views and How to Use Them
Understand List Views and How to Use Them
Toshi Dávila avatar
Written by Toshi Dávila
Updated over 3 months ago

The Ticket List view provides the most basic and customizable overview of your tickets. When you click Ticket List in the left side pane, Assembla displays a list of your tickets based on how you want them to appear. 

The ticket color varies depending on its priority; tickets highlighted with red are the most important.

The star icon next to the ticket number indicates whether you are following that ticket. Grey means you are not following, yellow means you are a follower, and orange appears if you are its assignee, which also makes you a follower.

If you want to sorted any column alphabetically, simply click its header. For example, click Summary and the tickets appear in alphabetical order based on the entry in the Summary field.

Other viewing options include:

  • Group by. Allows users to group the tickets by any ticket field including custom fields.

  • Bulk Changes. Allows users to edit multiple tickets at once.

  • Filter. Allows you to choose among Assembla predefined filters (you will have those by default), Personal filters (filters that you have made for your own purposes and decided not to share with the team), and Team filters (which are available for everyone in a team).

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