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Perforce Version Control With UE4 & Assembla
Perforce Version Control With UE4 & Assembla
Toshi Dávila avatar
Written by Toshi Dávila
Updated over 3 months ago

There are a number of tasks involved when setting up your Perforce server to use Unreal Engine 4 and Assembla for version control.

  • Step 1: Adding a Perforce depot in Assembla

  • Step 2: Installing Perforce on you machine

  • Step 3: Launching Perforce

  • Step 4: Creating a new workspace

  • Step 5: Adding/moving your UE4 project

  • Step 6: Submitting your files to the depot

  • Step 7: Connecting UE4 with Perforce

Use this tutorial to practice the entire process of setting up your Perforce server with Unreal Engine 4 on Windows and Mac.

Step 1: Adding a Perforce depot in Assembla

You first must install a Perforce repository in your Assembla space. To do that you need to go to Space Settings > Tools, and then click Add on the P4 repository.

Note: You can install more than one repository in the same space.

Step 2: Installing Perforce on your machine

Install p4v visual client and p4 command-line. When downloading, select the Family, Platform, and Version.

Step 3: Launching P4V

Now you need to create your workspace, which is simply a folder in your computer where you store your code. For this example, we use MyUE4Game.

In Assembla, select installed Perforce repo, and select the Instructions sub-tab. Paste the server value in the available field.

Open P4V. You will see this:

Paste the server value you copied and your Assembla username. You can get your username from here (it's case sensitive).

Click OK. If this is the first time you try to connect to this server, it asks you to trust the fingerprint. Simply check the box, and then click Connect.

You now are prompted to enter your password.

If you are logging in using SSO, 2FA, or MFA, then you need an API Secret key. Go here and fill out the form as follow:

Click Create, and you should see the new key added. Under your key's secret, use Click to show, to reveal your secret key. Copy it and use it as your password.

Step 4: Creating a new workspace

In P4, click Depot > New Workspace.

Complete the Workspace name field with any name you want.

For Workspace root, browse the directory where you want your project to reside.

To find the appropriate Stream, click Browse. Select the mainline stream, and then click OK.

Verify all of your entries, and then click OK.

Note: If it asks you to choose a different location for the workspace, click NO because we want to use that workspace.

It should look similar to the following image:

Step 5: Adding/moving your UE4 project

If you already have your UE4 project, you can copy the content into your workspace. If not, create a new project, and then select the workspace directory.

Click Refresh in P4V to show the new files.

You now should be able to see your local files in p4v. Now you need to send them to your p4 repo in Assembla. To do that, mark them as "Added" by selecting the files or folders you want to add, and then clicking Add.

Note: If you add a folder, all of the files under it are marked as added.

If you are asked to select a changelist, select the default, and then click OK.

This is how it should look. All of the files that are added have a red cross. In this example, we didn't add the p4config file because it's not part of our code. Also, under the Pending tab, you will see that all of the files are ready to be submitted.

Step 6: Submitting your files to the depot

Click Submit.

You will get a new view with all of the files that will be submitted. Before clicking Submit, make sure to add a description.

Now click Submit. It might take a few minutes or more depending on the size of your project.

Once it finishes, all the submitted files have now a green mark.

You also should be able to see your files on Assembla.

We are now ready to connect p4 with UE4.

Step 7: Connecting UE4 with Perforce

A key feature of Perforce is that it allows you to avoid merge conflicts and work better in teams because users have to "check out" files to modify them, letting other users know that there are intended changes to those files.

You can either select a file (or folder) in P4V to check it out, or you can connect UE4 to do this work for you. You still must use P4V to submit changelists.

Open your project (remembering to open the new copy that exists in your workspace), and then expand and select Source Control > Connect to Source Control.

Select Perforce as your provider.

Complete the form, and then click Accept Settings.

Note: In case you have multiple depots, you must fill the Host line in Unreal Editor' Source Control.

You know it's connected once the Source Control icon is green.

If you want to submit your changes, just save them as always.

Right after saving, you are prompted to check out assets. Simply click Check Out Selected, and then go about your work as usual.

Finally, submit your changes by clicking Source Control > Submit to Source Control.

Add a description. For example, if you want to reference your commit to an existing ticket in Assembla, use re #ticket_number.

Your Assembla p4 repository should look similar to the following example:

If you have any questions or need assistance. Please always feel free to email us at We will be happy to assist.

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