Assembla's Slack integration for Project Management allows users to update Slack channels from an Assembla ticket and to update Assembla tickets from Slack channels. If you would like to set up automatic Assembla ticket updates in a Slack channel, try using our Webhooks tool.
Do you want to integrate Slack with your Assembla repositories? Check out How to Integrate Slack with your Assembla Repos.
Enable Slack in Assembla
After you log into your project’s space in Assembla, click on Integrations in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Then, click Enable to the right of "Slack".
Update Slack from an Assembla Ticket
While logged into Assembla, open one of your tickets. On the left side panel of the ticket, you’ll see a button for Slack. When you click on this button, you have the option to remind yourself or someone about the ticket or message the ticket to someone or a channel.
For teammates that don’t like logging into Assembla, you can now give them updates directly to Slack.
Update an Assembla Ticket from Slack
While in Slack, using the Assembla Bot, you have dozens of options to make updates to Assembla directly from Slack. You can do things like create a ticket, comment on a ticket, or assign a ticket.
Here's a list of the commands you can use:
Create a new ticket in the default space
Example: /assembla create Finish marketing report
Create a new ticket in another space
Example: /assembla create Finish marketing report in #another-space
Find a ticket in the default space
Example: /assembla find #12345
Find a ticket in another space
Example: /assembla find #1234 in #another-space
Comment last mentioned ticket in the channel or any ticket by number
Examples: /assembla comment Good job!
/assembla comment #12345 Good job!
Assign last mentioned ticket in the channel or any ticket by number
Examples: /assembla assign @john.smith
/assembla assign #12345 @john.smith
/assembla assign #12345 to @john.smith
Show available spaces
Example: /assembla spaces
Check the default space
Example: /assembla default space
Set the default space
Example: /assembla default space #another-space
If you don’t like leaving Slack to continue your workflow, you no longer have to!
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