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Wiki Tool User Guide
Toshi Dávila avatar
Written by Toshi Dávila
Updated over 2 months ago

Assembla’s Wiki tool helps collect and share the knowledge of the team that is lost in email inboxes and shared network drives. Use the wiki to document instructions, ideas, specifications, and just about anything that needs to be easily referenced by your team.

Your wiki’s Home page is a default landing page that you cannot remove. This is an ideal page to put a welcome message, link to important pages/resources, or provide instruction on how the team uses Assembla.

Creating and editing wiki pages

Creating a new wiki page

To create a new wiki page

  1. Go to Wiki under Space Tools. Alternatively, go to Space Settings, and then click Settings next to Wiki.

  2. Click New Page in the submenu.

  3. Complete the available fields, making sure to select the appropriate Visibility. Options include:

    • Public. Available to all members in your Assembla project, whether Owners, Members, or Watchers. This does not make your wiki pages open to the public, but does offer it to users within your Assembla project.

    • Private. Only available to Owners and Members, but not the Watcher role.

    • Archived. This is a designation for wiki pages that you want removed from the main navigation, but still available (not deleted).

    • Template. Creates a template for use when creating additional pages with the same settings.

  4. Click the Parent page drop-down list to designate this page as a child or subpage of another existing wiki page. When you use this feature, the parent page becomes expandable to list any child pages.

  5. In Markup format, select the format for the content you want to use.

  6. Optional. In the Describe your change area, you can enter a comment that appears in the project Stream to add additional detail regarding your new page or edit of an existing page.

  7. Click Submit when done.
    Note: Click Preview to preview your changes without publishing the page.

Editing existing wiki pages

If you want to make changes to an existing wiki page, navigate to the desired page, and then click Edit page. Make your changes, and then click Submit.

Viewing and rolling back page history

If you saved over a previous version of a wiki page, and you want to view that previous information, navigate to the desired page, and then click Page history.

There are two ways to use this feature:

  • Compare the difference between two versions. In the Recent Versions section, check two different versions, and then click Show Diff to view changes between any two versions.

  • Rollback to a previous version. In the Recent Versions section, click the version you want to reinstate, and then click Rollback to this version.

Updating wiki settings

Team members with Owner permissions are able to access the Settings sub-menu item to rearrange the wiki navigation and customize global wiki settings.

Editing wiki navigation

Once you create multiple wiki pages, you may want to rearrange the wiki page order. Click the Settings sub-menu, and then dragging and dropping pages into the desired order in the Re-order pages section. Be sure to click Save Changes when done.

Using wiki configuration options

The Configure Wiki section under the Settings sub-menu contains the following sections:

  • The General section that is used for:

    • Enabling or disabling comments for wiki pages.

    • Enabling or disabling CamelCase links.

    • Setting the default wiki markup (editor) format. By default, the editor is set to WYSIWYG but Textile, a more traditional and less visual editor option, is available.

  • The Custom Permissions section. By default, the wiki permissions take the default project permissions, which is that Members have view/edit access and Watchers have view-only access and cannot edit wiki pages.
    In this section, you can change these permissions which then override the default project permissions. For example, you can allow Watchers to edit wiki pages or not access wiki pages at all.

  • The Import section allows you to import a new wiki from a selected ZIP file containing page in HTML format. Each page appears as a new topic.

If you have any questions or need our assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at 

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