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Get Started with Perforce Using P4VS
Get Started with Perforce Using P4VS
Toshi Dávila avatar
Written by Toshi Dávila
Updated over a week ago


  • Visual Studio 2008 or later. I’ll be using Visual Studio 2017

  • Perforce Server 2009.2 or later

  • If you want to use P4Sandbox & Streams support, it should be Perforce Server 2012.1

Assembla uses Perforce Server 2016.2, so all you need is Visual Studio!

You can install the P4VS plugin directly from your Visual Studio (VS from now on) client.

Here are the steps:

1. Open your VS and go to Tools > Extensions and Updates

2. Select Online on the left and type P4VS in the search box. You should see the P4VS plugin. Click on Download.

3. The plugin will start downloading. When it finishes, you will see an alert at the bottom of the screen saying that you have to close all your VS windows. Close all of your VS windows and once all of them are closed, the installation will start automatically. Follow the steps and when it finishes, open VS again.

4. If you open the “Extensions and Updates” window, you should see that P4VS is installed.

5. Now we need to make sure P4VS is selected as our source control provider. To do so, go to Tools > Options

6. Under Source Control > Plug-in Selection, select P4VS and click on OK

Now let’s connect to our Assembla P4 Repository!

7. Let’s go back to VS and create a new project. Select File > New > Project... or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.

8. Create a folder in your computer and name it as you want. I will call mine “Assembla_Demo”, take note of the path, you will need it later. Mine is D:\p4\assembla_demo

9. Back to P4VS. I will choose the template shown. Click on OK.

10. You will see that the Server and User slots are already loaded because of the p4config file we created in the previous step. The OK button is disabled, so we need to select the workspace. Click on Browse...

11. You will see the workspace browser dialog. Make sure the “Show only workspaces available for use on this computer” checkbox is unselected, if it’s not then do it and click on Filter.

12. Now you can see the workspaces in your Assembla P4 repository. Note that the Root has our client’s root folder. If it’s in a different root, it will not connect to your P4. Select the main workspace and click OK.

13. The Workspace field should now be filled in. Select OK.

14. Wait a few seconds and you will see this blue bar at the bottom. It says Perforce: Connected. It means you have a new project and it’s connected with your Assembla P4 repo!

15. Now let’s send all these files to our P4 repo in assembla. We need to submit them! Click on either submit icon shown.

16. Add a submit message and send them out! Remember that you can reference tickets using the syntax "re #ticket_number".

17. Check your repository in Assembla and your files will be there

If you have any questions or need our assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at

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