There are many configuration options for personalized email settings. You can select the frequency of when your emails are sent. This article outlines which events trigger an automatic email. Note that you only see tools listed when you have at least View permission.
Note: The following list includes depreciated tools. Some users may continue to use these tools, but they are not supported by Assembla.β
The following events include the option of email notification:β
Messages. Depreciated. An email is generated when a user creates a message in your message tool.
StandUp Reports. Depreciated. An email is generated when a user creates a standup report in your standup tool.
Code Commits. An email is generated when any code in your space is committed to any of your repositories.
Tickets. An email is generated when tickets are updated, edited, or created.
Files. An email is generated when any new file is created or uploaded in any part of your space excluding your repositories.
Wiki. An email is generated when a user creates a new Wiki page, or edits or updates an existing page.
Team. An email is generated when any new member joins your space, is invited to join your space, or is deleted from your space.
FTP Deploy. An email is generated when a user adds a new server configuration or edits an existing server configuration.
Git Push. An email is generated when a user pushes code to your Git repository.
Git diffs. A Changeset email referencing the commit ID is generated when your Git code is edited or updated.
Github Connector. An email is generated when any Github repository is connected.
SSH Actions. An Action Alert email is generated when your SSH tool is invoked.
Snippets. Depreciated. An email is generated when any snippet is created, edited, or deleted from the snippet tool.
SVN Diffs. A Changeset email referencing the commit ID is generated when your SVN code is edited or updated.
Follower. An email is generated when you are a follower of a ticket and ANY activity occurs excluding adding related tickets, adding worked hours, and deleting the ticket itself.
Mentions. An email is generated when your @username is mentioned.
Receive emails for bang Mentions. By default, an email is generated when you have bang mentions. Make sure to keep this box checked to ensure emails are sent.
Avoid my Own Changes. By default, you do NOT receive email notifications for your own changes. If you do want to receive notification on your own changes, clear this checkbox.
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