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Email Events

Descriptions of email events

Erika Kuntar avatar
Written by Erika Kuntar
Updated over a week ago

There are many configuration options for personalized email settings. You can select the frequency of which your emails are sent. This is a detailed list of what events trigger an automatic email. You will only see tools listed on which you have at least "View" permission. You can choose be emailed for the following events:


Messages: A depreciated tool. When a user creates a message in your message tool an email will be generated.

StandUp Reports: A depreciated tool. When a user creates a standup report in your standup tool an email will be generated.

Code Commits: Any code in your space is committed to any of your repositories will generate an email

Tickets: Updating/editing existing tickets and creating new ones will generate an email.

Files: Any new file that is created or uploaded in any part of your space excluding your repositories will generate an email.

Wiki: Creating a new Wiki page or editing and updating an existing page will generate an email.

Team: Any new member who joins your space, invited to join your space, or is deleted from your space you will receive an email.

FTP Deploy: Adding a new server configuration or editing an existing server configuration will generate an email.

Git Push: Pushing code to your git repository will generate an email.

Git diffs: When your GIT code is edited or updated you will receive a Changeset email referencing the commit ID.

Github Connector: Email when any Github repository is connected.

SSH Actions: Any time your SSH tool is invoked you will receive an Action Alert email.

Snippets: A depreciated tool. Any snippet that is created, edited, or deleted from the snippet tool will generate an email.

SVN Diffs: When your svn code is edited or updated you will receive a Changeset email referencing the commit ID number.

Follower: When you are a follower of a ticket you will be emailed on ANY activities made to the ticket excluding adding related tickets, adding worked hours, and deleting the ticket itself.

Mentions: When your @username is mentioned you will receive an email.

Receive emails for bang Mentions: By default you will receive emails for bang mentions, keep this box checked to ensure emails will still be sent for bang mentions.

Avoid my Own Changes: By default you will not receive email notifications for your own changes. You can change that by removing the check mark from this box.

Please note, this list includes depreciated tools. Some users may be using these tools, but we are not putting resources into improving these tools so we can concentrate our efforts on other services at this time.

Need help? Please contact us at support@assembla.comย 

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